California Homeowners Insurance CANCELED?

Filed under: Home Tips

Have you recently received a notice that you are going to be canceled by your homeowner’s insurance? This a hot topic that needs to be discussed right now!

The reality is that many insurance companies are leaving California, and there are only a few of them left. I’m getting calls from my clients because their insurance companies are dropping them – these clients are asking me for help to find a policy somewhere else.

Home Insurance is Essential

If you are being dropped by your home insurance provider, then it’s important to find new coverage as soon as possible. Not only do these policies give you financial protection for your home, but they are often required when you have a mortgage.

The lender offering the mortgage requires that you have homeowner’s insurance so that if the home is damaged, then financial compensation is available. The insurance policy provides security on the loan – and the lender wants to protect their financial interest.

So, whether you are being dropped from your current homeowner’s insurance policy or you are getting ready to buy a new home, you need to make sure that you have proper insurance coverage in order to qualify for the mortgage.

I’m Here to Help

By no means do I sell home insurance. But I am connected with insurance agents who do a great job here in our local valley.

If you are having trouble finding someone, or if you have been canceled, then please give me a call. I would love to put you in touch with some people who have done great work for my clients recently. These insurance specialists know how to navigate this California environment that is becoming increasingly more difficult.

Reach out to me any time. Call, text, or email me for more information: (951) 473-0390 or [email protected]